Takashi Murakami
Japanese, b. 1962
Takashi Murakami is a globally renowned contemporary artist celebrated for his iconic "Superflat" style, which blends fine art with pop culture. Influenced by anime, Japanese nihonga, and ukiyo-e woodcuts, Murakami’s vibrant works include paintings, sculptures, and prints. Signature motifs like cheerful flowers, playful bears, and the iconic Mr. DOB character define his dynamic visual language, solidifying his legacy as a transformative figure in modern art.
911 products
The Nether World, 2020
Zero one, 2016
Flowerball: Bright Red, 2016
Cosmic Power, 2017
Letter To Picasso, 2013
Flower Soul to Soul, 2020
Sakura & panda, 2020
Kōrin: Tranquility, 2020
Korin: Kyoto, 2020
BLOCKCHAIN: Nightmare, 2020
Panda Cubs Panda Cubs, 2020