Takashi Murakami: Skulls
Takashi Murakami’s Skulls series explores postwar Japan’s realities, balancing joy and terror. The vibrant, colorful designs bring optimism to their macabre theme, showcasing Murakami’s unique artistic vision.
23 produits
Skulls Rock, 2004
MCRST, 1962-2011, 2011
MCBST, 1959-2011, 2011
MGST, 1962-2011, 2011
A Fork in the Road, 2020
Time Bokan (Red), 2001
Time Bokan (Yellow), 2011
Time Bokan (Silver), 2011
Time Bokan (Black), 2011
Time Bokan (Red), 2011
I Know Not, I Know, 2010
Time Bokan (Pink Time), 2006
Time Bokan (Green), 2006